HREF=url (base url reference)
TARGET=FrameTarget (frame to render links in)
The BASE element defines the document's base url for resolving relative urls contained within the document. A document cannot contain more than one BASE element. When present, the BASE element must appear in the HEAD, prior to any elements that include a partial url.
BASE's HREF attribute, required in HTMLá4.0 Strict, specifies the absolute url used to resolve relative urls. See Using Relative URLs for more details on using and resolving relative urls.
Most Web pages do not require an explicit base url since the document's url is a suitable base. An explicit base url is only required when the same document may be accessed at different urls or when the document has no url (e.g., sending an HTML document by e-mail).
The TARGET attribute is used with frames to specify in which frame all links in document should be rendered by default. The target frame specified by BASE can be overridden by a given link using the link's TARGET attribute.
If no frame with the specified target name exists, the links are rendered in a new window unless overridden by the user. Special frame names begin with an underscore: